Gender Pay Gap Report
These reports set out Limitless Digital Group Limited’s Gender Pay Gap statistics as required under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.
Please view our statements by clicking the below –
2024/2025 Report
1. Purpose
This report sets out the gender pay gap statistics for Limitless Digital Group Ltd. in relation to the reporting year of 2024/2025.
2. Introduction
Under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, LDG is legally required to report specified information relating to their gender pay gap on an annual basis.
The following information has been calculated in accordance with the Regulations and is legally compliant.
3. The Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap is the difference between the average pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage. The gap is calculated across the entire workforce of an organisation.
The gender pay gap has many contributing factors which will differ from organisation to organisation, across sectors and across geographical locations. These factors may or may not be unlawful or discriminatory, guided by society or cultural aspects, or as a result of internal organisational practices.
It is crucial to our understanding of gender pay disparity to recognise that the gender pay gap is different to equal pay. Equal pay is where there is a discriminatory pay difference between men and women who carry out the same job, jobs rated as equivalent or work of equal value. The existence of a gender pay gap does not automatically give rise to any discrimination or equal pay matters.
4. The National Picture
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) report that The gender pay gap among all employees decreased to 13.1% in April 2024, down from 14.2% in April 2023.
5. Organisational Context
LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England, with a turnover of £104 million. Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK, and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America.
On 5th April 2024, LDG had 267 relevant employees (of which, 206 were full-pay relevant employees).
Commitment to equality and diversity
LDG is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and same fair treatment. It’s about showing fairness and respect to others, regardless of any actual or perceived difference. LDG will support and encourage all under-represented groups and will promote an inclusive culture which values diversity.
Approach to pay
As part of an annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In January 2024, LDG became a real living wage employer, ensuring that all employees are paid at least £12.00 per hour. In 2024, LDG paid employees at least £0.56 per hour above the National Living Wage.
Approach to rewards
LDG has a companywide non-contractual Customer Satisfaction Bonus (CSB) which is awarded to all employees on a quarterly basis. The CSB is based on the company achieving pre-agreed quarterly metric of customer satisfaction. If all metrics are achieved, then, for 2024, up to £125 (gross) per quarter can be awarded.
Employees within the Pre-Sales department who achieve their individual sales targets are awarded a bonus in increments of £50, which is dependent upon the level of sales the employee achieves.
As a reward for long service and contribution to the success of LDG, the Board paid a one-off staff bonus based on the last 4 years performance. The final payments of this bonus was paid to eligible employees in July 2023.
Senior management employees receive bonuses that are based on business performance.
6. LDG’s Gender Pay Gap
Mean gender pay gap
Based on the mean (average) hourly rate of pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s mean gender pay gap has decreased from 17.6% to 12.7% (-27.8%) (rounded to one decimal place). The main contributory cause for this is due to there being a greater proportion of full-pay relevant male employees in positions within the upper salary quartile.
Median gender pay gap
Based on the median (middle) hourly rate of pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s median gender pay gap has increased from -0.4% to 0.1% (+125%) (rounded to one decimal place) meaning that for 2024, the median hourly rate of pay for male employees became higher than female employees.
7. LDG’s Gender Bonus Gap
Mean gender bonus gap
Based on the mean (average) bonus pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s mean gender bonus gap has increased from 62.0% to 67.4% (+8.7%) (rounded to one decimal place). The main contributory cause for this is due to there being a greater proportion of relevant male employees in positions within the upper salary quartile who are awarded bonuses linked to the achievement of specified business performance targets.
Median gender bonus gap
Based on the median (middle) bonus pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s median gender bonus gap has increased from -14.8% to 0% (+100%) (rounded to one decimal place).
8. LDG’s Bonus Pay
The proportions of male and female employees who received bonus pay during the relevant pay period are as follows (percentages are rounded to one decimal place):
Male employees: decreased from 96.1% to 95.7% (-0.42%)
Female employees: decreased from 95.9% to 93.4% (-2.6%)
100% of all employees were eligible for a bonus in 2024. The bonus pay differences were for employment commencement/termination reasons within the relevant pay period.
9. LDG’s Salary Pay Quartiles
The following table separates LDG’s entire workforce into four equal quartiles based on the salaries that are paid to these employees. These quartiles are then further broken down into the number and proportion, expressed as a percentage, of male and female employees in each quartile.
Lower | Lower middle | Upper middle | Upper | |||||
Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | |
Male | 31 | 59.6 | 33 | 63.5 | 30 | 58.8 | 34 | 66.7 |
Female | 21 | 40.4 | 19 | 36.5 | 21 | 41.2 | 17 | 33.3 |
Lower | Lower middle | Upper middle | Upper | |||||
Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | |
Male | 33 | 64.7 | 29 | 56.9 | 26 | 51.0 | 34 | 68.0 |
Female | 18 | 35.3 | 22 | 43.1 | 25 | 49.0 | 16 | 32.0 |
Lower | Lower middle | Upper middle | Upper | |||||
Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | |
Male | 28 | 56.0 | 29 | 59.2 | 23 | 46.9 | 33 | 67.3 |
Female | 22 | 44.0 | 20 | 40.8 | 26 | 53.1 | 16 | 32.7 |
In comparison to previous years, the data shows that there is still disparity across all quartiles and there are still opportunities available to improve gender pay within all quartiles.
10. Action to address gender pay disparity
LDG are committed to reducing, and subsequently closing, any identified gender pay disparity. This commitment, however, is made in line with the understanding that a period of time and exploration of a number of different actions may be needed in order to achieve this aim.
11. Confirmatory Statement
I confirm that the information set out in this gender pay gap report is accurate and calculated in accordance with the Regulations.
Tom Jones
Job title: Managing Director
Date of statement: 17th February 2025
12. Contact
Please direct any queries relating to this gender pay gap report to the People Manager by contacting them
2023/2024 Report
1. Purpose
This report sets out the gender pay gap statistics for Limitless Digital Group Ltd. in relation to the reporting year of 2023/2024.
2. Introduction
Under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, LDG is legally required to report specified information relating to their gender pay gap on an annual basis.
The following information has been calculated in accordance with the Regulations and is legally compliant.
3. The Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap is the difference between the average pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage. The gap is calculated across the entire workforce of an organisation.
The gender pay gap has many contributing factors which will differ from organisation to organisation, across sectors and across geographical locations. These factors may or may not be unlawful or discriminatory, guided by society or cultural aspects, or as a result of internal organisational practices.
It is crucial to our understanding of gender pay disparity to recognise that the gender pay gap is different to equal pay. Equal pay is where there is a discriminatory pay difference between men and women who carry out the same job, jobs rated as equivalent or work of equal value. The existence of a gender pay gap does not automatically give rise to any discrimination or equal pay matters.
4. The National Picture
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) report that among all employees, the gender pay gap for 2022 decreased by 1.3% to 14.9%, from 15.1% in 2021 and is still below the levels seen in 2019 (17.4%).
5. Organisational Context
LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England, with a turnover of £106 million. Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK, and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America.
On 5th April 2022, LDG had 267 relevant employees (of which, 197 were full-pay relevant employees).
Commitment to equality and diversity
LDG is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and same fair treatment. It’s about showing fairness and respect to others, regardless of any actual or perceived difference. LDG will support and encourage all under-represented groups and will promote an inclusive culture which values diversity.
Approach to pay
As part of an annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In 2022, all employees were paid, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.50 per hour above the National Living Wage.
Approach to rewards
LDG has a companywide non-contractual Customer Satisfaction Bonus (CSB) which is awarded to all employees on a quarterly basis. The CSB is based on the company achieving pre-agreed quarterly metric of customer satisfaction and a customer focused cost reducing element. If all metrics are achieved, then, for 2023, up to £300 (gross) per quarter can be awarded.
Employees within the Pre-Sales department who achieve their individual sales targets are awarded a bonus in increments of £50, which is dependent upon the level of sales the employee achieves.
As a reward for long service and contribution to the success of LDG, the Board paid a one-off staff bonus based on the last 4 years performance. Employees who were employed on 31st December 2022 would receive £700 (FTE) for each completed year of service.
Senior management employees receive bonuses that are based on business performance.
6. LDG’s Gender Pay Gap
Mean gender pay gap
Based on the mean (average) hourly rate of pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s mean gender pay gap has increased from 15.1% to 17.6% (+16.6%) (rounded to one decimal place). The main contributory cause for this is due to there being a greater proportion of full-pay relevant male employees in positions within the upper salary quartile.
Median gender pay gap
Based on the median (middle) hourly rate of pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s median gender pay gap has decreased from 0.1% to -0.4% (-500%) (rounded to one decimal place) meaning that for 2023, the median hourly rate of pay for male employees was lower than female employees.
7. LDG’s Gender Bonus Gap
Mean gender bonus gap
Based on the mean (average) bonus pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s mean gender bonus gap has increased from 42.6% to 62.0% (+45.5%) (rounded to one decimal place). The main contributory cause for this is due to there being a greater proportion of relevant male employees in positions within the upper salary quartile who are awarded bonuses linked to the achievement of specified business performance targets.
Median gender bonus gap
Based on the median (middle) bonus pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s median gender bonus gap has decreased from 0% to -14.8% (-100%) (rounded to one decimal place) meaning that for 2023, the median bonus pay for male employees was lower than female employees.
8. LDG’s Bonus Pay
The proportions of male and female employees who received bonus pay during the relevant pay period are as follows (percentages are rounded to one decimal place):
Male employees: decreased from 98.1% to 96.1% (-2.0%)
Female employees: decreased from 96.3% to 95.9% (-0.42%)
100% of all employees were eligible for a bonus in 2023. The bonus pay differences were for employment commencement/termination reasons within the relevant pay period.
9. LDG’s Salary Pay Quartiles
The following table separates LDG’s entire workforce into four equal quartiles based on the salaries that are paid to these employees. These quartiles are then further broken down into the number and proportion, expressed as a percentage, of male and female employees in each quartile.
Lower | Lower middle | Upper middle | Upper | |||||
Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | |
Male | 33 | 64.7 | 29 | 56.9 | 26 | 51.0 | 34 | 68.0 |
Female | 18 | 35.3 | 22 | 43.1 | 25 | 49.0 | 16 | 32.0 |
Lower | Lower middle | Upper middle | Upper | |||||
Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | |
Male | 28 | 56.0 | 29 | 59.2 | 23 | 46.9 | 33 | 67.3 |
Female | 22 | 44.0 | 20 | 40.8 | 26 | 53.1 | 16 | 32.7 |
In comparison to 2022, the data shows that there is still disparity across all quartiles and demonstrates that there are still opportunities available to improve gender pay within all quartiles.
10. Action to address gender pay disparity
LDG are committed to reducing, and subsequently closing, any identified gender pay disparity. This commitment, however, is made in line with the understanding that a period of time and exploration of a number of different actions may be needed in order to achieve this aim.
11. Confirmatory Statement
I confirm that the information set out in this gender pay gap report is accurate and calculated in accordance with the Regulations.
Steve Cunliffe
Job title: Managing Director
Date of statement: 27th February 2024
12. Contact
Please direct any queries relating to this gender pay gap report to the People Manager by contacting them on
2021/2022 Report
1. Purpose
This report sets out the gender pay gap statistics for Limitless Digital Group Ltd. in relation to the reporting year of 2021/2022.
2. Introduction
Under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, LDG is legally required to report specified information relating to their gender pay gap on an annual basis.
The following information has been calculated in accordance with the Regulations and is legally compliant.
3. The Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap is the difference between the average pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage. The gap is calculated across the entire workforce of an organisation.
The gender pay gap has many contributing factors which will differ from organisation to organisation, across sectors and across geographical locations. These factors may or may not be unlawful or discriminatory, guided by society or cultural aspects, or as a result of internal organisational practices.
It is crucial to our understanding of gender pay disparity to recognise that the gender pay gap is different to equal pay. Equal pay is where there is a discriminatory pay difference between men and women who carry out the same job, jobs rated as equivalent or work of equal value. The existence of a gender pay gap does not automatically give rise to any discrimination or equal pay matters.
4. The National Picture
Among all employees, the gender pay gap increased to 15.4%, from 14.9% in 2020, but is still down from 17.4% in 2019.
5. Organisational Context
LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England, with a turnover of £112 million. Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK, and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America.
On 5th April 2021, LDG had 260 relevant employees (of which, 235 were full-pay relevant employees).
Commitment to equality and diversity
LDG is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and same fair treatment. It’s about showing fairness and respect to others, regardless of any actual or perceived difference. LDG will support and encourage all under-represented groups and will promote an inclusive culture which values diversity.
Approach to pay
As part of an annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In 2021, all employees were paid, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.45 per hour above the National Living Wage.
Approach to rewards
LDG has a companywide non-contractual Customer Satisfaction Bonus (CSB) which is awarded to all employees on a quarterly basis. The CSB is based on the company achieving pre-agreed quarterly metric of customer satisfaction and a customer focused cost reducing element. If all metrics are achieved, then, for 2021, up to £250 gross per quarter can be awarded.
Employees within the Pre-Sales department who achieve their individual sales targets are awarded a bonus in increments of £50, which is dependent upon the level of sales the employee achieves.
Senior management employees receive bonuses that are based on business performance.
Whilst the UK was in lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic, LDG rewarded staff who remained on-site to continue working with a 10% bonus in addition to their ordinary hourly rate. This was in recognition of the increased risk of them contracting the virus while attending the workplace.
6. LDG’s Gender Pay Gap
Mean gender pay gap
Based on the mean (average) hourly rate of pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s mean gender pay gap is 15.6% (rounded to one decimal place).
Median gender pay gap
Based on the median (middle) hourly rate of pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s median gender pay gap is 0.5% (rounded to one decimal place)
The main contributory cause for the above gender pay gaps is due to there being more full-pay relevant male employees in positions within the upper salary quartile.
7. LDG’s Gender Bonus Gap
Mean gender bonus gap
Based on the mean (average) bonus pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s mean gender bonus gap is 45.8% (rounded to one decimal place).
Median gender bonus gap
Based on the median (middle) bonus pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s median gender bonus gap is 0% (rounded to one decimal place)
The main contributory cause for the above gender pay gaps is due to there being a greater proportion of relevant male employees in positions within the upper salary quartile who are awarded bonuses linked to the achievement of specified business performance targets.
8. LDG’s Bonus Pay
The proportions of male and female employees who received bonus pay during the relevant pay period are as follows (percentages are rounded to one decimal place):
Male employees: 96.6%
Female employees: 97.6%
100% of employees were eligible for a bonus in 2021. The bonus pay differences were for employment commencement/termination or long-term absence related reasons within the relevant pay period.
9. LDG’s Salary Pay Quartiles
The following table separates LDG’s entire workforce into four equal quartiles based on the salaries that are paid to these employees. These quartiles are then further broken down into the number and proportion, expressed as a percentage, of male and female employees in each quartile.
Lower | Lower middle | Upper middle | Upper | |||||
Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | |
Male | 30 | 50.8 | 34 | 57.6 | 29 | 49.2 | 38 | 65.5 |
Female | 29 | 49.2 | 25 | 42.4 | 30 | 50.8 | 20 | 34.5 |
There is a fairly even split within the lower and upper middle quartiles. There is greater disparity within the lower middle and upper quartiles. This data demonstrates that there are opportunities to improve the gender pay within the lower middle and upper quartiles.
10. Action to address gender pay disparity
LDG are committed to reducing, and subsequently closing, any identified gender pay disparity. This commitment, however, is made in line with the understanding that a period of time and exploration of a number of different actions may be needed in order to achieve this aim.
11. Confirmatory Statement
I confirm that the information set out in this gender pay gap report is accurate and calculated in accordance with the Regulations.
Steve Cunliffe
Job title: Managing Director
Date of statement: 4th April 2022
12. Contact
Please direct any queries relating to this gender pay gap report to the People Manager by contacting them on
2022/2023 Report
1. Purpose
This report sets out the gender pay gap statistics for Limitless Digital Group Ltd. in relation to the reporting year of 2022/2023.
2. Introduction
Under the Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017, LDG is legally required to report specified information relating to their gender pay gap on an annual basis.
The following information has been calculated in accordance with the Regulations and is legally compliant.
3. The Gender Pay Gap
The gender pay gap is the difference between the average pay of men and women, expressed as a percentage. The gap is calculated across the entire workforce of an organisation.
The gender pay gap has many contributing factors which will differ from organisation to organisation, across sectors and across geographical locations. These factors may or may not be unlawful or discriminatory, guided by society or cultural aspects, or as a result of internal organisational practices.
It is crucial to our understanding of gender pay disparity to recognise that the gender pay gap is different to equal pay. Equal pay is where there is a discriminatory pay difference between men and women who carry out the same job, jobs rated as equivalent or work of equal value. The existence of a gender pay gap does not automatically give rise to any discrimination or equal pay matters.
4. The National Picture
The Office for National Statistics (ONS) report that among all employees, the gender pay gap for 2022 decreased by 1.3% to 14.9%, from 15.1% in 2021 and is still below the levels seen in 2019 (17.4%).
5. Organisational Context
LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England, with a turnover of £106 million. Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK, and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America.
On 5th April 2022, LDG had 267 relevant employees (of which, 197 were full-pay relevant employees).
Commitment to equality and diversity
LDG is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and same fair treatment. It’s about showing fairness and respect to others, regardless of any actual or perceived difference. LDG will support and encourage all under-represented groups and will promote an inclusive culture which values diversity.
Approach to pay
As part of an annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In 2022, all employees were paid, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.50 per hour above the National Living Wage.
Approach to rewards
LDG has a companywide non-contractual Customer Satisfaction Bonus (CSB) which is awarded to all employees on a quarterly basis. The CSB is based on the company achieving pre-agreed quarterly metric of customer satisfaction and a customer focused cost reducing element. If all metrics are achieved, then, for 2022, up to £300 gross per quarter can be awarded.
Employees within the Pre-Sales department who achieve their individual sales targets are awarded a bonus in increments of £50, which is dependent upon the level of sales the employee achieves.
Senior management employees receive bonuses that are based on business performance.
Commitment to equality and diversity
LDG is committed to ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and same fair treatment. It’s about showing fairness and respect to others, regardless of any actual or perceived difference. LDG will support and encourage all under-represented groups and will promote an inclusive culture which values diversity.
Approach to pay
As part of an annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In 2021, all employees were paid, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.45 per hour above the National Living Wage.
Approach to rewards
LDG has a companywide non-contractual Customer Satisfaction Bonus (CSB) which is awarded to all employees on a quarterly basis. The CSB is based on the company achieving pre-agreed quarterly metric of customer satisfaction and a customer focused cost reducing element. If all metrics are achieved, then, for 2021, up to £250 gross per quarter can be awarded.
Employees within the Pre-Sales department who achieve their individual sales targets are awarded a bonus in increments of £50, which is dependent upon the level of sales the employee achieves.
Senior management employees receive bonuses that are based on business performance.
Whilst the UK was in lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic, LDG rewarded staff who remained on-site to continue working with a 10% bonus in addition to their ordinary hourly rate. This was in recognition of the increased risk of them contracting the virus while attending the workplace.
6. LDG’s Gender Pay Gap
Mean gender pay gap
Based on the mean (average) hourly rate of pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s mean gender pay gap has decreased from 15.6% to 15.1% (-3.2%) (rounded to one decimal place).
Median gender pay gap
Based on the median (middle) hourly rate of pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s median gender pay gap has decreased from 0.5% to 0.1% (-80.0%) (rounded to one decimal place)
The main contributory cause for the above gender pay gaps is due to there being a greater proportion of full-pay relevant male employees in positions within the upper salary quartile.
7. LDG’s Gender Bonus Gap
Mean gender bonus gap
Based on the mean (average) bonus pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s mean gender bonus gap has decreased from 45.8.% to 42.6% (-7.0%) (rounded to one decimal place).
Median gender bonus gap
Based on the median (middle) bonus pay for male and female employees in the relevant pay period, LDG’s median gender bonus gap has remained at 0% (rounded to one decimal place)
The main contributory cause for the above gender pay gap is due to there being a greater proportion of relevant male employees in positions within the upper salary quartile who are awarded bonuses linked to the achievement of specified business performance targets.
8. LDG’s Bonus Pay
The proportions of male and female employees who received bonus pay during the relevant pay period are as follows (percentages are rounded to one decimal place):
Male employees: increased from 96.6% to 98.1% (+1.6%)
Female employees: decreased from 97.6 to 96.3% (-1.3%)
100% of all employees were eligible for a bonus in 2022. The bonus pay differences were for employment commencement/termination reasons within the relevant pay period.
9. LDG’s Salary Pay Quartiles
The following table separates LDG’s entire workforce into four equal quartiles based on the salaries that are paid to these employees. These quartiles are then further broken down into the number and proportion, expressed as a percentage, of male and female employees in each quartile.
Lower | Lower middle | Upper middle | Upper | |||||
Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | |
Male | 28 | 56.0 | 29 | 59.2 | 23 | 46.9 | 33 | 67.3 |
Female | 22 | 44.0 | 20 | 40.8 | 26 | 53.1 | 16 | 32.7 |
Lower | Lower middle | Upper middle | Upper | |||||
Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | Number of employees | % | |
Male | 30 | 50.8 | 34 | 57.6 | 29 | 49.2 | 38 | 65.5 |
Female | 29 | 49.2 | 25 | 42.4 | 30 | 50.8 | 20 | 34.5 |
In comparison to 2021, the data shows that there is still disparity across all quartiles and demonstrates that there are still opportunities available to improve gender pay within all quartiles.
10. Action to address gender pay disparity
LDG are committed to reducing, and subsequently closing, any identified gender pay disparity. This commitment, however, is made in line with the understanding that a period of time and exploration of a number of different actions may be needed in order to achieve this aim.
11. Confirmatory Statement
I confirm that the information set out in this gender pay gap report is accurate and calculated in accordance with the Regulations.
Steve Cunliffe
Job title: Managing Director
Date of statement: 31st March 2023
12. Contact
Please direct any queries relating to this gender pay gap report to the People Manager by contacting them on