Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement

Limitless Digital Group Limited

These statements set out Limitless Digital Group Limited’s (The Company) actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put in place steps that are aimed at ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chains.

Please view our statements by clicking the below –


This statement sets out Limitless Digital Group Ltd (LDG)’s actions to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put steps in place that are aimed at ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chain.

Being part of a global supply chain, LDG recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

This statement describes LDG’s policies, due diligence processes, actions taken in the financial year January 2024 – December 2024.

The Business:

LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England.

Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America via the following LDG websites:

LDG Staff:

At the end of 2024, LDG employed 272 permanent staff over its two Lancashire sites. Its staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country. Therefore, the focus is to ensure there are robust policies and procedures in place for LDG’s contractors and suppliers.

LDG continues to hire a number of temporary agency workers to its warehouse operations, to meet the demands through peak trading periods. These workers were sourced via one of several approved recruitment agencies.

When recruiting, LDG requires that all recruitment agencies sign terms and conditions which provide an assurance of their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking. All recruitment agencies have all signed those terms and conditions. LDG does not believe there are any recruitment activities which may be considered high risk.

As part of its annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure all employees are paid at least National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage in line with statutory requirements. In 2024, LDG became a Real Living Wage employer and paid all employees’ at least £12.00 per hour which is at least £0.56 per hour above the National Living Wage.

LDG also ensures that all employees’ working hours are managed in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998.

LDG ensures that every employee or temporary worker has the right to work in the UK, in line with Home Office guidance for the Prevention of Illegal Working.

LDG ensures that all employees are familiar with its policies and procedures and conduct themselves in a way which positively reflects LDG’s values as a fair, non-discriminatory, and equal opportunities employer.


LDG has a number of internal policies to ensure that it conducts business in an ethical and transparent manner. LDG operates robust recruitment practices including conducting Right to Work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will. These requirements extend to 3rd party providers. Our internal policies include (but are not limited to):

• Employee Handbook
• Disciplinary Policy
• Resolution Policy
• Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
• Health & Safety Policy
• Equal Opportunity & Dignity at Work Policy
• Whistleblowing Policy
• Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Agreement & Declaration

These policies clearly outline the expectation and potential outcomes of intervention should a policy be breached. Any reporting will be fully investigated, and appropriate action taken. This may include notifying the appropriate statutory or legal entities.

Due Diligence:

LDG enjoys well-established and stable working relationships with key suppliers in all its territories and has achieved the support of its suppliers to the approach to preventing slavery and human trafficking. All goods are manufactured in modern factories with up-to-date approaches to corporate, social, and environmental matters.

LDG wants to ensure that members of its supply chain equally support its company values.

Since 2018, LDG has been including declarations in all its supply agreements and purchasing terms and conditions, to request compliance in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

Throughout 2024, LDG has continued to secure signed declarations from all its recruitment agencies and its suppliers ensuring there is a contractual commitment in place with its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

LDG continues to remain compliant by monitoring and reviewing data published in slavery advisory resources and government agency websites, to identify potential or increased slavery risks presented by any new region where it looks to source from. LDG can then tailor the audit process to increase the interrogation level around employment, slavery, and general working practices.

Training and Effectiveness of LDG’s Anti-Slavery Measures:

All LDG employees who are involved in procurement have completed training on ethical procurement, which includes Modern Slavery. This training raised awareness of ethical procurement, the nature and impact of modern slavery on an organisation and its supply chains, and how the risks of modern slavery might arise in an organisation’s supply chains.

All LDG employees are encouraged to report any concerns regarding slavery and/or human trafficking in accordance with LDG’s whistleblowing policy.

Planned Activity for 2025:

LDG will continue to secure signed declarations from its suppliers to ensure that there is a contractual commitment in place with all its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

For those suppliers whose have already signed declarations, LDG will conduct a review of the current agreements and issue reminders on:

• Supplier obligations to comply and implement controls to prevent modern slavery
• Ensuring that all employment is voluntary
• Confirming that employees have the right to leave any work and have the ability to terminate their employment upon expiry of reasonable notice.

LDG will ensure that employees involved in procurement undergo refresher training on ethical procurement.

LDG will aim to develop workforce awareness and understanding of modern slavery; requiring all employees to read a copy of the home office guide: ‘Modern Slavery Awareness & Victim Identification Guidance’ and a complete a short knowledge-based assessment to demonstrate their understanding. This guidance covers the definition of modern slavery and the prevalent types in the UK, spotting the signs of modern slavery, and victims and barriers to reporting.

LDG recognises the need to continually develop additional tools to effectively engage suppliers, particularly those in high risk countries. As this development progresses, LDG will build key performance measures to help track the effectiveness of audit processes.

To maintain compliance, LDG will continue to


This statement was approved by the Limitless Digital Group Limited Managing Director, 5th February 2025 who will review and update it annually.

  Tom Jones Signature           

Tom Jones
Managing Director
Limitless Digital Group Limited      


This statement sets out Limitless Digital Group Ltd (LDG)’s actions to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put steps in place that are aimed at ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chain.

Being part of a global supply chain, LDG recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

This statement describes LDG’s policies, due diligence processes, actions taken in the financial year January 2023 – December 2023.

The Business:

LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England.

Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America via the following LDG websites:

LDG Staff:

At the end of 2023, LDG employed 246 permanent staff at its Lancashire site. Its staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country. Therefore, the focus is to ensure there are robust policies and procedures in place for LDG’s contractors and suppliers.

LDG continues to hire a number of temporary agency workers to its warehouse operations, to meet the demands through peak trading periods. These workers were sourced via one of several approved recruitment agencies.

When recruiting, LDG requires that all recruitment agencies sign terms and conditions which provide an assurance of their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking. All recruitment agencies have all signed those terms and conditions. LDG does not believe there are any recruitment activities which may be considered high risk.

As part of its annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In 2023, LDG paid all employees’ wages, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.08 per hour above the National Living Wage.

LDG also ensures that all employees’ working hours are managed in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998.

LDG ensures that every employee or temporary worker has the right to work in the UK, in line with Home Office guidance for the Prevention of Illegal Working.

LDG ensures that all employees are familiar with its policies and procedures and conduct themselves in a way which positively reflects LDG’s values as a fair, non-discriminatory, and equal opportunities employer.


LDG has a number of internal policies to ensure that it conducts business in an ethical and transparent manner. LDG operates robust recruitment practices including conducting Right to Work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will. These requirements extend to 3rd party providers. Our internal policies include (but are not limited to):

• Employee Handbook
• Disciplinary Policy
• Resolution Policy
• Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
• Health & Safety Policy
• Equal Opportunity & Dignity at Work Policy
• Whistleblowing Policy
• Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Agreement & Declaration

These policies clearly outline the expectation and potential outcomes of intervention should a policy be breached. Any reporting will be fully investigated, and appropriate action taken. This may include notifying the appropriate statutory or legal entities.

Due Diligence:

LDG enjoys well-established and stable working relationships with key suppliers in all its territories and has achieved the support of its suppliers to the approach to preventing slavery and human trafficking. All goods are manufactured in modern factories with up-to-date approaches to corporate, social, and environmental matters.

LDG wants to ensure that members of its supply chain equally support its company values.

Since 2018, LDG has been including declarations in all its supply agreements and purchasing terms and conditions, to request compliance in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

Throughout 2023, LDG has continued to secure signed declarations from all its recruitment agencies and its suppliers ensuring there is a contractual commitment in place with its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

LDG continues to remain compliant by monitoring and reviewing data published in slavery advisory resources and government agency websites, to identify potential or increased slavery risks presented by any new region where it looks to source from. LDG can then tailor the audit process to increase the interrogation level around employment, slavery, and general working practices.

Training and Effectiveness of LDG’s Anti-Slavery Measures:

All LDG employees who are involved in procurement have completed training on ethical procurement, which includes Modern Slavery. This training raised awareness of ethical procurement, the nature and impact of modern slavery on an organisation and its supply chains, and how the risks of modern slavery might arise in an organisation’s supply chains.

All LDG employees are encouraged to report any concerns regarding slavery and/or human trafficking in accordance with LDG’s whistleblowing policy.

Planned Activity for 2024:

LDG will continue to secure signed declarations from the remaining proportion of its suppliers to ensure that there is a contractual commitment in place with all its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

During 2024, LDG will commence a programme of regular supply chain audits to ensure alignment to local laws, standards set out by the International Labour Organisation, the Modern Slavery Act and LDG’s internal policies and standards, which include:

• Clear obligations on suppliers to comply and implement controls to prevent Modern Slavery.
• Ensuring all employment shall be voluntary.
• Confirmation of the employee’s right to leave work and the ability to terminate employment upon expiry of reasonable notice.

LDG recognises the need to continually develop additional tools to effectively engage suppliers, particularly those in high risk countries. As this development progresses, LDG will build key performance measures to help track the effectiveness of audit processes.

LDG will also aim to develop its employees’ awareness and understanding of modern slavery; requiring all employees to read a copy of the home office guide: ‘Modern Slavery Awareness & Victim Identification Guidance’ and a complete a short knowledge-based assessment to demonstrate their understanding. This guidance covers the definition of modern slavery and the prevalent types in the UK, spotting the signs of modern slavery, and victims and barriers to reporting.

To maintain compliance, LDG will continue to monitor government agency websites for information updates relating to the Modern Slavery Act.


This statement was approved by the Limitless Digital Group Limited Managing Director, 27th June 2024 who will review and update it annually.


Steve Cunliffe
Managing Director
Limitless Digital Group Limited      

This statement sets out Limitless Digital Group Ltd (LDG)’s actions to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put steps in place that are aimed at ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chain.

Being part of a global supply chain, LDG recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

This statement describes LDG’s policies, due diligence processes, actions taken in the financial year January 2022 – December 2022.

The Business:
LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England.

Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America via the following LDG websites:

LDG Staff:
At the end of 2022, LDG employed 245 permanent staff at its Lancashire site. Its staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country. Therefore, the focus is to ensure there are robust policies and procedures in place for LDG’s contractors and suppliers.

LDG continues to hire a number of temporary agency workers to its warehouse operations, to meet the demands through peak trading periods. These workers were sourced via one of several approved recruitment agencies.

When recruiting, LDG requires that all recruitment agencies sign terms and conditions which provide an assurance of their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking. All recruitment agencies have all signed those terms and conditions. LDG does not believe there are any recruitment activities which may be considered high risk.

As part of its annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In 2022, LDG paid all employees’ wages, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.50 per hour above the National Living Wage.

LDG also ensures that all employees’ working hours are managed in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998.

LDG ensures that every employee or temporary worker has the right to work in the UK, in line with Home Office guidance for the Prevention of Illegal Working.

LDG ensures that all employees are familiar with its policies and procedures and conduct themselves in a way which positively reflects LDG’s values as a fair, non-discriminatory, and equal opportunities employer.

LDG has a number of internal policies to ensure that it conducts business in an ethical and transparent manner. LDG operates robust recruitment practices including conducting Right to Work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will. These requirements extend to 3rd party providers. Our internal policies include (but are not limited to):

• Employee Handbook
• Disciplinary Policy
• Resolution Policy
• Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
• Health & Safety Policy
• Equal Opportunity & Dignity at Work Policy
• Whistleblowing Policy
• Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Agreement & Declaration

These policies clearly outline the expectation and potential outcomes of intervention should a policy be breached. Any reporting will be fully investigated, and appropriate action taken. This may include notifying the appropriate statutory or legal entities.

Due Diligence:
LDG enjoys well-established and stable working relationships with key suppliers in all its territories and has achieved the support of its suppliers to the approach to preventing slavery and human trafficking. All goods are manufactured in modern factories with up-to-date approaches to corporate, social, and environmental matters.

LDG wants to ensure that members of its supply chain equally support its company values.

Since 2018, LDG has been including declarations in all its supply agreements and purchasing terms and conditions, to request compliance in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

Throughout 2022, LDG has continued to secure signed declarations from all its recruitment agencies and its suppliers ensuring there is a contractual commitment in place with its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

LDG continues to remain compliant by monitoring and reviewing data published in slavery advisory resources and government agency websites, to identify potential or increased slavery risks presented by any new region where it looks to source from. LDG can then tailor the audit process to increase the interrogation level around employment, slavery, and general working practices.

Training and Effectiveness of LDG’s Anti-Slavery Measures:
All LDG employees who are involved in procurement have completed training on ethical procurement, which includes Modern Slavery. This training raised awareness of ethical procurement, the nature and impact of modern slavery on an organisation and its supply chains, and how the risks of modern slavery might arise in an organisation’s supply chains.

All LDG employees are encouraged to report any concerns regarding slavery and/or human trafficking in accordance with LDG’s whistleblowing policy.

Planned Activity for 2023:
LDG will continue to secure signed declarations from the remaining proportion of its suppliers to ensure that there is a contractual commitment in place with all its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

During 2023, LDG will commence a programme of regular supply chain audits to ensure alignment to local laws, standards set out by the International Labour Organisation, the Modern Slavery Act and LDG’s internal policies and standards, which include:

• Clear obligations on suppliers to comply and implement controls to prevent Modern Slavery.
• Ensuring all employment shall be voluntary.
• Confirmation of the employee’s right to leave work and the ability to terminate employment upon expiry of reasonable notice.

LDG recognises the need to continually develop additional tools to effectively engage suppliers, particularly those in high risk countries. As this development progresses, LDG will build key performance measures to help track the effectiveness of audit processes.

LDG will also aim to develop its employees’ awareness and understanding of modern slavery; requiring all employees to read a copy of the home office guide: ‘Modern Slavery Awareness & Victim Identification Guidance’ and a complete a short knowledge-based assessment to demonstrate their understanding. This guidance covers the definition of modern slavery and the prevalent types in the UK, spotting the signs of modern slavery, and victims and barriers to reporting.

To maintain compliance, LDG will continue to monitor government agency websites for information updates relating to the Modern Slavery Act.


This statement was approved by the Limitless Digital Group Limited Managing Director, 30th June 2023 who will review and update it annually.


Steve Cunliffe
Managing Director
Limitless Digital Group Limited      


This statement sets out Limitless Digital Group Ltd (LDG)’s actions to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put steps in place that are aimed at ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chain.

Being part of a global supply chain, LDG recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

This statement describes LDG’s policies, due diligence processes, actions taken in the financial year January 2021 – December 2021.

The Business:

LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England.

Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America via the following LDG websites:

LDG Staff:

At the end of 2021, LDG employed 267 permanent staff at its Lancashire site. Its staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country.  Therefore, the focus is to ensure there are robust policies and procedures in place for LDG’s contractors and suppliers.

In 2021, LDG continued to hire a number of temporary agency workers to its warehouse operations, to meet the unique demands being experienced. These workers were sourced via one of several approved recruitment agencies.

When recruiting, LDG requires that all recruitment agencies sign terms and conditions which provide an assurance of their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking. All recruitment agencies have all signed those terms and conditions. LDG does not believe there are any recruitment activities which may be considered high risk.

As part of its annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In 2021, LDG paid all employees’ wages, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.45 per hour above the National Living Wage.

LDG also ensures that all employees’ working hours are managed in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998.

LDG ensures that every employee or temporary worker has the right to work in the UK, in line with Home Office guidance for the Prevention of Illegal Working.

LDG ensures that all employees are familiar with its policies and procedures and conduct themselves in a way which positively reflects LDG’s values as a fair, non-discriminatory, and equal opportunities employer.


LDG has a number of internal policies to ensure that it conducts business in an ethical and transparent manner. LDG operates robust recruitment practices including conducting Right to Work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will. These requirements extend to 3rd party providers. Our internal policies include (but are not limited to):

  • Employee Handbook
  • Employee Disciplinary Policy
  • Resolution Policy
  • Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
  • Health & Safety Policy
  • Equal Opportunity & Dignity at Work Policy
  • Whistleblowing Policy
  • Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Agreement & Declaration

These policies clearly outline the expectation and potential outcomes of intervention should a policy be breached. Any reporting will be fully investigated, and appropriate action taken. This may include notifying the appropriate statutory or legal entities.

Due Diligence:

LDG enjoys well-established and stable working relationships with key suppliers in all its territories and has achieved the support of its suppliers to the approach to preventing slavery and human trafficking. All goods are manufactured in modern factories with up-to-date approaches to corporate, social, and environmental matters.

LDG wants to ensure that members of its supply chain equally support its company values.

Since 2018, LDG has been including declarations in all its supply agreements and purchasing terms and conditions, to request compliance in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

Throughout 2021, LDG has continued to secure signed declarations from all its recruitment agencies and its suppliers ensuring there is a contractual commitment in place with its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

LDG continues to remain compliant by monitoring and reviewing data published in slavery advisory resources and government agency websites, to identify potential or increased slavery risks presented by any new region where it looks to source from. LDG can then tailor the audit process to increase the interrogation level around employment, slavery, and general working practices.

Training and Effectiveness of LDG’s Anti-Slavery Measures:

All LDG employees who are involved in procurement have completed training on ethical procurement, which includes Modern Slavery. This training raised awareness of ethical procurement, the nature and impact of modern slavery on an organisation and its supply chains, and how the risks of modern slavery might arise in an organisation’s supply chains.

All LDG employees are encouraged to report any concerns regarding slavery and/or human trafficking in accordance with LDG’s whistleblowing policy.

Planned Activity for 2022:

LDG will continue to secure signed declarations from the remaining proportion of its suppliers to ensure that there is a contractual commitment in place with all its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

During 2022, LDG will commence a programme of regular supply chain audits to ensure alignment to local laws, standards set out by the International Labour Organisation, the Modern Slavery Act and LDG’s internal policies and standards, which include:

  • Clear obligations on suppliers to comply and implement controls to prevent Modern Slavery.
  • Ensuring all employment shall be voluntary.
  • Confirmation of the employee’s right to leave work and the ability to terminate employment upon expiry of reasonable notice.

(This action was intended to commence in 2021, however, because of increased difficulty in travelling to LDG’s suppliers during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, this had not been possible to commence)

LDG recognises the need to continually develop additional tools to effectively engage suppliers, particularly those in high risk countries. As this development progresses and matures, LDG will build key performance measures to help track the effectiveness of audit processes.

LDG will also aim to develop its employees’ awareness and understanding of modern slavery; requiring all employees to read a copy of the home office guide: ‘Modern Slavery Awareness & Victim Identification Guidance’ and a complete a short knowledge-based assessment to demonstrate their understanding. This guidance covers the definition of modern slavery and the prevalent types in the UK, spotting the signs of modern slavery, and victims and barriers to reporting.

To maintain compliance, LDG will continue to monitor government agency websites for information updates relating to the Modern Slavery Act.


This statement was approved by the Limitless Digital Group Limited Managing Director, 30th June 2022 who will review and update it annually.


Steve Cunliffe
Managing Director
Limitless Digital Group Limited      

This statement sets out Limitless Digital Group Ltd (LDG)’s actions to understand potential modern slavery risks related to its business and to put steps in place that are aimed at ensuring there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chain.

Being part of a global supply chain, LDG recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

This statement describes LDG’s policies, due diligence processes, actions taken in the financial year January 2020 – December 2020, and planned 2021/2022 activities.

The Business:
LDG is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England.

Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America via the following LDG websites:

LDG Staff:
At the end of 2020, LDG employed 237 permanent staff at its Lancashire site. Its staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country. Therefore, the focus is to ensure there are robust policies and procedures in place for LDG’s contractors and suppliers.

To meet the unique demands of 2020, LDG hired a number of temporary agency workers to its warehouse operations. These workers were sourced via one of several approved recruitment agencies.

When recruiting, LDG requires that all recruitment agencies sign terms and conditions which provide an assurance of their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking. All recruitment agencies have all signed those terms and conditions. LDG does not believe there are any recruitment activities which may be considered high risk.

As part of its annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees. In 2020, LDG paid all employees’ wages, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.15 per hour above the National Living Wage.

LDG also ensures that all employees’ working hours are managed in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998.

LDG ensures that every employee or temporary worker has the right to work in the UK, in line with Home Office guidance for the Prevention of Illegal Working.

LDG ensures that all employees are familiar with its policies and procedures and conduct themselves in a way which positively reflects LDG’s values as a fair, non-discriminatory, and equal opportunities employer.

LDG has a number of internal policies to ensure that it conducts business in an ethical and transparent manner. LDG operates robust recruitment practices including conducting Right to Work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will. These requirements extend to 3rd party providers. Our internal policies include (but are not limited to):

• Employee Handbook
• Employee Disciplinary Policy
• Resolution Policy
• Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
• Health & Safety Policy
• Equal Opportunity & Dignity at Work Policy
• Whistleblowing Policy
• Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Agreement & Declaration

These policies clearly outline the expectation and potential outcomes of intervention should a policy be breached. Any reporting will be fully investigated, and appropriate action taken. This may include notifying the appropriate statutory or legal entities.

Due Diligence:
LDG enjoys well-established and stable working relationships with key suppliers in all its territories and has achieved the support of its suppliers to the approach to preventing slavery and human trafficking. All goods are manufactured in modern factories with up-to-date approaches to corporate, social, and environmental matters.

LDG wants to ensure that members of its supply chain equally support its company values.

Since 2018, LDG has been including declarations in all its supply agreements and purchasing terms and conditions, to request compliance in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

Throughout 2020, LDG has continued to secure signed declarations from all its recruitment agencies and its suppliers ensuring there is a contractual commitment in place with its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

This activity has experienced some delays in completion, because of increased difficulty in gathering the required information from our suppliers, due to company closures, remote working and furlough/lay-off, during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.

LDG continues to remain compliant by monitoring and reviewing data published in slavery advisory resources and government agency websites, to identify potential or increased slavery risks presented by any new region where it looks to source from. LDG can then tailor the audit process to increase the interrogation level around employment, slavery, and general working practices.

Training and Effectiveness of LDG’s Anti-Slavery Measures:
All LDG employees who are involved in procurement have completed training on ethical procurement, which includes Modern Slavery. This training raised awareness of ethical procurement, the nature and impact of modern slavery on an organisation and its supply chains, and how the risks of modern slavery might arise in an organisation’s supply chains.

LDG recognises the need to continually develop additional tools to effectively engage suppliers, particularly those in high risk countries. As this development progresses and matures, LDG will build key performance measures to help track the effectiveness of audit processes.

All LDG employees are encouraged to report any concerns regarding slavery and/or human trafficking in accordance with LDG’s whistleblowing policy.

Planned Activity for 2021/2022:
LDG will continue to secure signed declarations from the remaining proportion of its suppliers to ensure that there is a contractual commitment in place with all its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

During 2021/2022, LDG will commence a programme of regular supply chain audits to ensure alignment to local laws, standards set out by the International Labour Organisation, the Modern Slavery Act and LDG’s internal policies and standards, which include:

• Clear obligations on suppliers to comply and implement controls to prevent Modern Slavery.
• Ensuring all employment shall be voluntary.
• Provision of an employment contract confirming the employee’s right to leave work and the ability to terminate employment upon expiry of reasonable notice.

(This action was intended to commence in 2020, however, because of increased difficulty in travelling to LDG’s suppliers during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, this could not be undertaken.)

LDG will also aim to develop its employees’ awareness and understanding of modern slavery; requiring all employees to read a copy of the home office guide: ‘Raising awareness of modern slavery’ and a complete a short knowledge-based assessment to demonstrate their understanding. This guidance covers the definition of modern slavery and the prevalent types in the UK, spotting the signs of modern slavery, and victims and barriers to reporting.

To maintain compliance, LDG will continue to monitor government agency websites for information updates relating to the Modern Slavery Act.

This statement was approved by the Limitless Digital Group Limited Managing Director, on 24th August 2021, who will review and update it annually.


Steve Cunliffe
Managing Director
Limitless Digital Group Limited                

As a commercial organisation, Limitless Digital Group Ltd (LDG) has prepared and published this statement for its financial year 1st January 2020 to 31st December 2020, as required by the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Being part of a global supply chain, LDG recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

LDG is committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities and ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

This statement describes LDG’s policies, the actions it has taken in 2019, and its planned activities towards eliminating potential modern slavery risks and ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in its own business and its supply chain.

The Business:

Limitless Digital Group Limited is a multi-brand digital retailer of heating and bathroom products, based in Lancashire, England.

Products sourced from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK and Italy are marketed to consumers in UK, Ireland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, and North America via the following LDG websites:

LDG Staff:

At the end of 2019, LDG employed 184 permanent staff at its Lancashire site. Its staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country.  Therefore, the focus is to ensure there are robust policies and procedures in place for LDG’s contractors and suppliers.

To meet seasonal demands in 2019, LDG employed temporary agency workers in its warehouse operations. These workers were sourced via one of several approved recruitment agencies.

When recruiting, LDG requires that all recruitment agencies sign terms and conditions which provide an assurance of their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

The recruitment agencies with whom LDG engages have all signed those terms and conditions.

LDG does not believe there are any recruitment activities which may be considered high risk.


As part of its annual pay review policy, LDG undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees.

In 2019, LDG paid all employees’ wages, regardless of their age, at rates of at least £0.30 per hour above the National Living Wage.

LDG also ensures that all employees’ working hours are managed in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998.

Human Trafficking:

LDG ensures that every employee or temporary worker has the right to work in the UK, in line with Home Office guidance for the Prevention of Illegal Working.

LDG ensures that all employees are familiar with its policies and procedures and conduct themselves in a way which positively reflects LDG’s values as a fair, non-discriminatory and equal opportunities employer.

Supply Chain:

LDG wants to ensure that members of its supply chain equally support its company values.

Since 2018, LDG has been including declarations in all its supply and purchasing agreements and terms and conditions, to request compliance in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

Actions Taken This Year:

Throughout 2019, LDG secured signed declarations from all its recruitment agencies and a large proportion of its suppliers ensuring there is a contractual commitment in place with its suppliers, requiring their compliance with the terms and requirements of the Modern Slavery Act.

In addition, all LDG employees who are involved in procurement have completed training on ethical procurement, which includes Modern Slavery. This training raised awareness of ethical procurement, the nature and impact of modern slavery on an organisation and its supply chains, and how the risks of modern slavery might arise in an organisation’s supply chains.

Looking Ahead: 2020 

Over the course of the next financial year, 2020, LDG will continue to work towards ensuring all suppliers have signed updated terms and conditions to require compliance in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

LDG will aim to develop its employees’ awareness and understanding of modern slavery; requiring all employees to read a copy of the home office guide: ‘Raising awareness of modern slavery’ and a complete a short knowledge-based assessment to demonstrate their understanding.

This guidance covers the definition of modern slavery and the prevalent types in the UK, spotting the signs of modern slavery, and victims and barriers to reporting.

LDG is developing a programme of supply chain and payroll function audits to maintain continued compliance for both LDG and its suppliers in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

In order to maintain compliance, LDG will monitor government agency websites for information updates relating to the Modern Slavery Act. A recent government consultation proposed the possibility of additional compliance responsibilities, we will continue to monitor any developments.


This statement was approved on the 1st January 2020 by the Limitless Digital Group Limited Managing Director, who will review and update it annually.

Managing Director (M.D.): Steve Cunliffe


Date: 1st January 2020

Limitless Digital Group Limited’s financial year is the 1st January to the 31st December each year. This statement relates to actions and activities during the financial year 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019.

As part of a global online retail industry, the Company recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

The Company is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, and to ensuring that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

Our Business:

Limitless Digital Group® is a multi-territory and multi-brand pure play digital retailer, primarily targeting the B2C market segment and focusing on three main categories; Bathroom, Heating and Lighting.

Based in Lancashire, UK, Limitless Digital Group® was founded in 2004 and has enjoyed rapid growth over the past decade which has been facilitated via both acquisition and organic growth.

We are a UK based global online retailer of bathroom, heating and lighting products. We source our products from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK and Italy. We sell primarily business to consumer in the following territories:

  • UK & Ireland
  • Europe: France, Italy, Spain, Germany and the Netherlands
  • USA and Canada

We have a central business facility in Burnley, UK; however, we also rent a small warehousing facility in the USA to store products.

Operating solely online, the Company sells products on the following websites:

Our Staff:

We have around 180 staff, all of whom are based in the United Kingdom. Our staff are largely directly employed and are not in any category which is generally seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in this country, so our focus is to ensure there are policies and procedures in place for our contractors and suppliers.

When recruiting, Limitless Digital Group Limited require that all recruitment agencies sign terms and conditions which provide us with assurance of their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking. The recruitment agencies with whom Limitless Digital Group Limited engage, have all signed those terms and conditions.

The Company does not believe there are any activities which may be considered high risk.


On an annual basis, Limitless Digital Group Limited undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees.

Limitless Digital Group Limited also ensures that all employees’ working hours are managed in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998.

Human Trafficking:

Limitless Digital Group Limited ensures that every employee or temporary worker has the right to work in the UK in line with Home Office guidance for the Prevention of Illegal Working.

Limitless Digital Group Limited ensures that all employees working for the Company are familiar with our policies and procedures and conduct themselves in a way which positively reflects our values as a fair, non-discriminatory and equal opportunities employer.

Supply Chains:

Limitless Digital Group Limited wants to ensure that members of our supply chain equally support our Company Values.

During 2018, a large proportion of our suppliers signed the Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Agreement, which required their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

Looking Ahead (1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019) :

Over the course of this financial year, we will continue to work towards ensuring all suppliers have signed updated terms and conditions to require compliance in respect of legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.

In addition, we will also look to introduce training for staff who work within procurement as part of an awareness-raising programme. It will cover:

  • The definition of modern slavery
  • Spotting the signs of modern slavery
  • LDG’s requirements of suppliers
  • LDG’s expectations of employee conduct (as representatives of LDG)


This statement was approved on the 1st January 2019 by the Company’s Managing Director (M.D.) who will review and update it annually.

Managing Director (M.D.): Steve Cunliffe


Date: 1st January 2019

This statement relates to actions and activities during the financial year 1st January 2018 to 31st December 2018.

As part of a global online retail industry, the Company recognises that it has a responsibility to take a robust approach to slavery and human trafficking.

The Company is absolutely committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in its corporate activities, and to ensure that its supply chains are free from slavery and human trafficking.

Limitless Digital Group Limited

Limitless Digital Group® is a multi-territory and multi-brand pure play digital retailer, primarily targeting the B2C market segment and focusing on three main categories; Bathroom, Heating and Lighting.

Based in Lancashire, UK, Limitless Digital Group® was founded in 2004 and has enjoyed rapid growth over the past decade which has been facilitated via both acquisition and organic growth.

We are a UK based global online retailer of bathroom, heating and lighting products. We source our products from suppliers in China, Turkey, Poland, UK and Italy. We sell primarily business to consumer in the following territories:

  • UK & Ireland
  • Europe: France, Italy, Spain, Germany and Netherlands
  • Canada and USA

We have a central business facility in Burnley, UK; however, we also rent a small warehousing facility in the USA to store products.

The Company does not believe there are any activities which may be considered high risk.


On an annual basis, Limitless Digital Group Limited undertakes an audit to ensure compliance of National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage requirements for all employees.

Limitless Digital Group Limited also ensures that all employees’ working hours are managed in line with the Working Time Regulations 1998.

Human Trafficking

Limitless Digital Group Limited ensures that every employee or temporary worker has the right to working in the UK in line with Home Office guidance for the Prevention of Illegal Working.

Limitless Digital Group Limited ensures that all employees working for the Company are familiar with our policies and procedures and conduct themselves in a way which positively reflects our values as a fair, non-discriminatory and equal opportunities employer.

Supply Chains

Limitless Digital Group Limited wants to ensure that members of our supply chain equally support our Company Values.

During 2017, Limitless Digital Group Limited created Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Agreements for all our subcontractors and suppliers, which would require their compliance with Modern Slavery legislation.

Looking ahead for 2018, Limitless Digital Group Limited will work with all our suppliers, to secure their agreement to the Anti-Slavery & Human Trafficking Agreement, which requires their compliance with legislation to prevent slavery and human trafficking.


This statement was approved on the 1st January 2018 by the Company’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who will review and update it annually.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Peter J. Lilley


Date: 1st January 2018